24. 07. 2024

Stand Out From The Crowd

Conquering the Crowd: How to Make Your Job Application Shine
The job hunt. It's a competitive landscape, and with countless applications flying around, how do you make yours stand out? Fear not job seeker! This blog is your one-stop shop for crafting an application that screams "pick me!"

Beyond the Application Button: Research is Key
There's a place for the spray-and-pray method, however to get the best results and to stand out, this isn't the best way. Before hitting "submit," invest some time in researching the company and the specific role. Here's some ideas:

  • Dig Deeper than the Job Description: Explore the company website. What are their values? Recent projects? Understanding their culture shows genuine interest.
  • Target the Right Person: Don't settle for "careers@." Look for the hiring manager on LinkedIn or the company website. A personalised email showcasing your research demonstrates initiative.
  • Industry Insights: Research current trends and challenges in the industry. Briefly mentioning an industry-specific solution in your cover letter displays your awareness and potential value.

Tailoring Makes Perfect: Highlight Your Strengths
We know it's time consuming, but a generic application can easily get lost in the pile. Personalise yours by:

  • Keywords are King: Carefully review the job description and sprinkle those keywords throughout your CV and cover letter. This is especially important when applications go through an Applicant Tracking System (ATS).
  • Quantify Your Achievements: Did you increase sales by 15%? Streamline a process by 20%? Numbers grab attention. Use data to showcase the impact you've made in previous roles.
  • Focus on Relevant Skills: Don't just list every skill you possess. Highlight those directly linked to the job description. Show, don't tell - use specific examples from past experiences that demonstrate these skills.

Standing Out from the Crowd: Go the Extra Mile
Here are some industry-specific suggestions to truly make your application stand out:

  • Creative Fields: Portfolio websites are your best friend! Showcase your work visually.
  • Technical Roles: Contribute to open-source projects relevant to the industry.
  • Data-Driven Roles: Complete online courses or certifications in data analysis or visualisation.
  • Project Management: Show how you manage project, foster collaborative working, and deliver results. 
  • Leadership Opportunities: Talk about your leadership style, how you embed positive culture, and drive performance.

Proofread, Proofread, Proofread: Typos scream carelessness. Ensure your application is error-free. Utilise free products Grammarly to ensure your content is great!
Be Enthusiastic: Your passion for the role and the company should shine through.

By following these tips you could transform your application from a faceless document into a compelling introduction to a valuable asset: you! So, put on your metaphorical interview suit, and get ready to conquer the crowd!