25. 06. 2024

The True Cost of Recruitment: Beyond the Agency Fee

The True Cost of Recruitment: Beyond the Agency Fee

A Seasoned Recruiter's Perspective
As a Recruitment Consultant with a decade of experience, I understand the focus often falls on the agency fee as the cost of recruiting. However for employers, the true cost of recruitment extends far beyond that initial investment. The wrong hiring decision can trigger a domino effect of direct and indirect costs, significantly impacting your bottom line.

Delving into the Hidden Costs:
Let's explore these hidden costs, drawing upon insights from industry leaders and governing bodies across the recruitment landscape.

Direct Costs:
Lost Productivity: A new hire takes time to become fully productive. When a bad fit leaves, that lost productivity repeats, impacting team morale and deadlines.
Training Costs: The time and resources invested in training a new employee are wasted if a new employee leaves.
Severance Pay: Depending on employment contracts and company policy, termination can incur severance costs such as unworked notice periods.
Restarting the Recruitment Process: Re-advertising, interviewing, and onboarding all require significant time and resources.

Indirect Costs:
Low Team Morale: The wrong hire disrupts team dynamics and leads to decreased morale and engagement amongst existing staff.
Customer Dissatisfaction: If the new hire doesn't meet customer service expectations, it can negatively impact brand reputation and customer loyalty.
Management Time: Managers spend additional time dealing with performance issues and the fallout from an unsuitable hire.
Impact on Employer Branding: News of a bad hiring experience travels fast, potentially damaging your ability to attract top talent in the future.

Reflecting on Your Recruitment Costs
Contemplating your recruitment data is a powerful way to understand these costs. Here are some key metrics to consider:

  • Number of hires made
  • Salary cost of those hires
  • Estimated training hours provided
  • Average hourly wage of trainers
  • Agency fees incurred
  • Percentage of hires lasting beyond 12 months

We can help you analyse these numbers and demonstrate your true cost of recruitment. Many companies believe achieving a 70% success rate (hires lasting 12 months) is good. However, this could still be costing your company £100,000+.

Mitigating the True Cost
By implementing these strategies, you can minimise the risk of hidden costs:
Invest in a Clear Hiring Strategy: Clearly define the role and ideal candidate profile to attract the right talent from the outset.
Involve Key Stakeholders: Get input from hiring managers and team members throughout the process.
Structured Interview Process: Utilise a consistent and objective interview process with clear evaluation criteria.
Thorough Reference Checks: Don't underestimate their power to verify a candidate's suitability.
Onboarding and Development: A well-structured onboarding program and ongoing development opportunities help new hires succeed.
Psychometric Assessments: These can offer valuable insights into a candidate's personality. Use them to support your decision-making, not solely base your hiring on them.

The Synergy Way: Achieving Recruitment Success
At Synergy, we pride ourselves on our exceptional hiring success rate. We work collaboratively with you to understand your specific needs and the motivations of the candidates we represent.

97% of our placements stay with our clients past 12 months and deliver exceptional value to the business. We achieve this because we don't disappear after a placement is made. We continue working with you and the candidates, ensuring seamless onboarding and integration into the business.

We stand by our work. In the unlikely event things don't work out, we offer rebates and free replacements. We view ourselves as an extension of your business and brand, taking great pride and responsibility in that role.

By acknowledging and addressing the true cost of recruitment, you can make smarter hiring decisions. Remember, a successful hire is an investment in your company's future, not just an expense.

Want to learn more? We'd be happy to discuss your specific recruitment needs and explore how Synergy can help you minimise costs and achieve long-term hiring success.

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